Saturday, January 7, 2012

On the seventh day


I looked out my window and realized that if possible I would have been happy laying in bed staring at the clouds all day.  Nature is all the things that I want to be, it is quiet (occasional outburst aside), humble, beautiful, intelligent, and eternal.  Once I realize that I am nature I breath a little deeper.  Knowing that I am what I want to be that it is my default position, well...hooray.

This type of thinking moves me next onto the idea of meaning.  For what are we trying to do with our lives except create and understand the meaning of that life?   I believe that life is meaningless.  I do not mean that in a pessimistic way.  Let me quote the philosopher Alan Watts here to explain, "The reason for dancing is not to arrive at a particular spot on the floor.  The reason for music is not to get to a certain point in the music, in that case the best musicians would be the fastest, and the best dancers the quickest."  Maybe I should say that I do not believe that life has a purpose.  I believe that the purpose of life is life, to just be it, and do it.

Once I arrive at this point I realize that if I want life to have a purpose I can choose one that I think will in some way help me be alive more fully.  Really I think the reason for life having meaning is to help us realize life more fully.  So choose a meaning that gets your heart pumping, or decreasing if that is what you are into.

With meaning in mind I am going to get crazy on today's forms.  I am going to use a variety of surface treatments, like glaze, underglaze decals and whatnot to create a surface that uses a vast amount of details to create a larger possibility of meaning for myself and the viewer.

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I am pretty happy most days, and do not mind too much when I am sad, which makes me happy.
