Sunday, January 15, 2012

4 Teen

I am going to call today philosophy day.  I finished some Freud readings, and so my mind was spinning with possibilities.  Without going into too much detail about the book let me say that I think Freud had a preoccupation with sex, and that his theories were way farther out there than I understood prior.  The one idea I came away with is that we all have to possibility to create our own way.  The thing about people like Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, and even Freud is that they struck their own pathways, and did it in such a self assured way that people just went with what they claimed.  I think we should all strive to be just like this.  To find our own way, to see the universe as a place of possibility and try our best to find our own meanings.

With this in mind I was thinking about the painting Black Square, by Kazmir Malevich.  The painting represents the ideas of possibility, and infinity.

During the times when I shake off all I have been told or think the universe is, life surprises me with its limitlessness.

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I am pretty happy most days, and do not mind too much when I am sad, which makes me happy.
