Friday, January 20, 2012

Day Nineteen

Today has been a good one.  We are receiving snow, so the world is all beautiful and new.

I went and bought groceries today before school, and was stuck in traffic for a bit.  I have an aversion to traffic, as I am sure most people do.  During my angst I realized that I am always wishing that I was able to set aside more time for slowing myself down.  

 I realized I could put my being stuck in traffic to use, so I relaxed, took a deep breath, and then saw, to my amazement all the beauty that I had not noticed in my state of hurry.  Tomorrow I think I might drive around town just looking for some traffic to get stuck in.

I was also thinking today about how this project is in some ways based on the idea of me expressing my everyday occurrences through artistic expression.  I am happy about this because I have always felt that the processes of getting to an artistic object often leaves behind a trail of artistic residue that no one ever sees but the artist.  Finding a way to share that with people, or realizing that it is happening is fulfilling.

For the last few days, including today, I have not figured out what the surface of those forms will be.  I gave the job to my subconscious to work on.

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I am pretty happy most days, and do not mind too much when I am sad, which makes me happy.
